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Proven Products & Proven Solutions

Perma-Chink Armor-Guard Wood Preservative

Perma-Chink Armor-Guard is a concentrated borate powder that is dissolved in water, and then applied to un-infested clean, bare wood by brushing or low pressure sprayer.  An application of Armor-Guard will protect wood from wood-ingesting insects and fungi that cause wood decay as long as the exterior surfaces are maintained with a quality, water resistant stain.


Perma-Chink Armor-Guard is a concentrated borate powder that is dissolved in water, and then applied by brush or sprayer to clean, bare wood.  Armor-Guard protects un-infested wood from wood decay and wood destroying insects.  Exterior surfaces of wood treated with Armor-Guard need to be protected with a log home finish to seal in the borates.  The Armor-Guard treatment is permanent for wood if the exterior surfaces are kept sealed with a quality, water resistant stain.  When the finish protecting the Armor-Guard treatment is physically or chemically removed, Armor Guard will need to be reapplied to the clean, bare wood prior to the application of a new exterior finish.

Perma-Chink Armor-Guard features include:

  • Can be used on all wood and wood composites
  • Protects un-infested wood from wood decay and wood destroying insects. 
  • Provides a shell of protection for treated wood as long as the exterior surfaces are maintained with a quality, water resistant stain
  • Does not interfere with the application of high quality wood finishes
  • Easy to mix and apply
  • Colorless
  • Labeled for homeowner use
  • EPA Registered

Application Guide:


Application temperature:     40° F to 90° F

Application methods:            Low pressure sprayer, brush, duster

Surface preparation:              Clean and dry bare wood; free of mold and mildew

Frequency:                               Permanent in wood if the exterior surfaces are kept sealed with a quality, water resistant stain

                                                   After stripping old finishes, apply Armor-Guard to clean bare wood before applying new quality, water resistant stain

Special instructions:              One coat application

Drying time:                            24 hours

Coverage rate:                        200 sq. ft. per pound


   Product Guide

   Safety Data Sheet